Saturday, July 27, 2019

'Free Mars' Vehicles. Army complete!! (sort of)

OK! So I've got my basic 15mm rebel force finished for my 'Free Mars' project! Here are the vehicles!

 From this

To this. I'll get some pictures of the infantry and tanks together when I get a game soon.

Here is some low-fi macro camera action to show off the micro scratching and chipping I'm very proud of:

My method here was (unless otherwise noted its all vallejo) Model Air Hull Red over a AK Fine White prime, then a Humbrol gloss varnish layer, then Model Air Duck Egg Green. the DEGreen (with a drop of humbrol thinner) was applied when the varnish was still just a little bit wet in the corners, this meant in the wettest sections I got a very nice paint cracking effect that added to the weathered appearance. I then took a toothpick and while the paint was still tacky I started picking and rubbing off paint focussing most heavily on areas that would see the heaviest abbrasion. I wanted the vehicles to look prett battered and well used though so no surface was spared. This approach doesn't seem to work great on metal but was fantastic on the resin sections, for the metal i instead stippled the DEGreen over the Hull Red with a torn off bit of packing sponge. The rest was weathering and shading with Army Painter Strong Tone, and Mecha Rust Texture, being the main shading tools. Weathering was Games Workshop Ironcrust, (sparingly!) used to give some dirt texture to the underside and wheelguards and then Iron Oxide Earth pigment and some Tamiya Rust from a weathering pallete. That was it really apart from the final gloss and matte coats to protect them.

Of course I will be adding more. I have already got some Ikwen hardened fighters to paint, plus a squad or two more of regular ikwen, and I have one more combat car (with pintle weapon instead of the auto-turret) and three of the same model of tank but without the ERA and a less advanced main gun but with four anti tank missiles mounted on the turret.

Next on the table is some 30mm Infinity Ariadna!

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