I picked up the 'OPERATION COLDFRONT' box and was lucky enough to find an old box with the pre-order exclusive Wardriver Hacker figure. I really like the Aleph look and really like the 'vedic' troops so I was very pleased to see that not only is there a vedic sectorial to go alongside the Homeric one but that this starter was all vedic. Similarly the Ariadnan Kazaks were also my favourite but lacked a sectorial for a while but again this box was all kazak and even had a nice chunky low tech TaG, Ratnik. I like to have one or two big show-off pieces in a low model count skirmish game and Ariadna's lack of them was something that kept me from them during my previous abortive attempt to get in the game but the Ratnik fixes that in great style. So this set was pretty perfect for me really. I was still in the mood for beat up and rugged after my Green Mars Rebellion vehicles so I started on the Ariadna Kazaks. I haven't started the Wardriver yet as I am still considering how to meld it into the rest of the forces look but still set it apart (its a mercenary as opposed to a Ariadna native).
I really like this model, although the massive hammer gave me brief pause. I went for an Urban look to do something different to the usual green Ariadna I see and because I have been painting a lot of green recently. I wanted them to look like they had been in the shit for a while so lots of caked on concrete dust, scratches and chipping wass in order.
I wanted the infantry to have lots of subtle chromatic shifts instead of contrasting and distinct colours. They might be a little dark right now though so I might go back to them for highlights or a touch of light concrete powder weathering pigment.
These are really nice and evocative models with great poses. The detail means they are really fun to paint and not at all a slog. My phone camera isn't the greatest but hopefuly these pictures give some sense of the look.
All together in a (slightly fisheyed and a bit dark) family photo.