Thursday, September 26, 2019

Alternative Armies Contender GNATS Mech and Meerkat Spotter Suit

I jumped on the AA websites offer that the first 100 GNATS mechs sold would come with a free, also new Meerkat. I got mine very quickly in the ever useful little boxes 15mm companies all seem to send their minis in:

The Meerkat is a very nice little mech. It is built off of the Bearcat legs with a new torso with a big cockpit and some antenna/laser bits, a rotary cannon, and some stowage. The stowage is maybe the surprise star of the kit as its been cast to fit really nicely around the torso's contours:

 Very nice profle:
Here is the big'un. It has a decent amount of posability and even though the legs are moddeled in one piece in a standing pose there is enough movement in the sculpt to lend it some dynamism. It is also pleasingly large. It could probably just scrape being used as a 28mm model as is, and deffinitely pass muster if the cockpit windows were modded to look like an unmanned warbot or something.

 It even comes with very nicely detailed jetpacks. So that's nice!
 Nice profile again that also shows design elements that link it in with the Meerkat. It could also maybe fit two people in the cockpit as it looks quite spacious.
These are going to be a lot of fun to get together. I just need to decide which of my 15mm armies het them. Right now I'm thinking they may go to my Free Mars revolutionaries. But also potentially their enemies. I have a few projects to do before I start getting paint on these anyway so I have time to think.

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